Absalon’s Absolute Insanity

Swim1You might have heard of it, but a fight of some sort broke out at last Friday’s Abasalon Bazaar!  Unfortunately, I was unable to catch the start of the whole scene, but from what I hear, it all started with a particular infirmary employee acting a bit odd.  I’ve heard all sorts of allegations on the matter, but I only wish to report fact, so fact I shall report.  Starting from the top, I arrived at the scene just as Thrace—a name known among the Sanctum—was shoved into the water. Continue reading

Seeking Derek

It seems the lovely Admiral Redy  is seeking one Derek Bloodsworn after a mix-up involving employment with Absalon. If you’re Derek or know him, send him on down to the docks to meet with the one and only Redy. Remember, if you’re seeking employment with Absalon, you’ll need to be inspected by Redy first!

Tomorrow is the Absalon Bazaar, so you’ll get no better opportunity to catch the redhead! If you’re looking to make coin working out at the harbor, find Redy. Even if that isn’t your line of work, be sure to come to the Absalon Bazaar for the shopping experience of the month! Continue reading

Demons and Dogs in Stromness

A week ago, during the Absalon Bazaar, a full-form werewolf decided to pick the village square as the stage for an all-out fit. The guard bell sounded, signaling for the bold to jump into action. Present on the scene was a small handful of helpful beings who were ready to risk life, limb, and some fur on their clothes. Continue reading

Absalon Bazaar Arriving Again!

This coming Friday, the 12th, promises to be another eventful bazaar hosted by the ever-prominent Absalon Shipping & Trade Co. As always, all beings of the realm are invited and more than welcome to attend. The end of the week will mark the perfect time for trade, purchase, and so much more; two bustling commencements will cater to morning people and night dwellers.  Continue reading