Haikus of Mystara

It is a matter of survival; to grapple with the strangeness of Mystara, or descend into madness. In an attempt to ward off insanity, this transplanted and hoardless dragon sought to obtain a book of ancient wisdom from the Bound to Please Book Shoppe. The price was not, to the relief of this penniless sojourner, in coin. The price was to inquire of Mystarans their own advice, but in the stylized form of the haiku, the rhymeless poem of three lines of set numbers of syllables. Continue reading

Wanted: Servant

Wanted: personal servant to care for the needs of a dragon. Must be able-bodied. Must follow orders without question. Servant will be liveried in house colors, which are red and black. Room, board, and stipend. Apply with Buthriax the Red at the dragon temple. Continue reading