Wanted: Helping Hands to Stir the Vat

Does alcohol run in your blood? Want to learn the craft by a master brewer? Do you like pitching sales and selling wares? The Hoppy Ending Brewery is seeking new employees!

Experience is not necessary and training is done on the site. Seek out Wanton Aime (alteripseity), master brewer of the Hoppy Ending Brewery!

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Paper Boys Wanted!

Hey kids of Mystara! Want something to do this summer? Want to make a little coin on your free time? Come down to The Tribune offices today and sign up to be paper boy!
Get the scoop on the newest articles before the rest of the realm. Hob knob with nobility as you shout the latest fashion beat at them. And earn a percentage of every paper sold!
A well paying job for a small person to have, so come and inquire within.

Note: The Term ‘Paper Boy’ While gender specific, we do encourage girls to apply as well!

Hear Ye! Hear Ye!

The Absalon Shipping & Trade Co. is hosting their next Bazaar at the end of the week. Ships can already be seen on the horizon, steering towards the Port of Mystara.

Are you one of the fellow tradesmen or crafters who would like to show off your wares and skills? Do you have something special to advertise or would you like to spare some coin and simple trade your own stuff for the wares you need? Visit the Bazaar and bargain for the best price or wares!

Or are you one who’s interested in one of the businesses for sale? Currently the ‘Bound to Please Bookshoppe’, ‘Mercentile General Store’, ‘Hoppy Ending Brewery’ at Stromness town and the ‘Vanya Sulie Tavern’ at the Elven town is up for sale. Don’t miss your chance to stop by, discover which wholesale wares Absalon could ship in for those businesses and maybe you will be able to get to know the Pawn Shop owner! I heard rumours he’s helping when the need for coin arises.

Absalon will welcome you all. For getting a table or cart set up at the Bazaar to set up your wares or advertisements, contact Admiral Redy at the docks near Stromness.

(OOC info: Absalon Bazaar will be held on Friday 9th May at 10 am slt and again at 7.30 pm slt.

Please note: The named businesses, while IC-ly for sale, need to be apped for OOC-ly. Only when you are chosen as leader you will be able to buy the business IC-ly. If you are interested in one of the businesses, please look here for further info and links for the applications http://realmofmystara.com/rp-info/getting-involved/how-to-become-a-leader-in-mystara
