Declan’s Departure


Citizens of Stromness,

          Nearly a year has passed since I became your King. Together we have faced many hardships, some more personal than others, and every time we have pulled through. Each time a new evil has reared its head we banded together and came out with our pride, dignity, and faith. At one point it seemed as though the darkness was endless, but we have now found the light.

It gives me great honor to continue to serve you and keep Stromness safe from harm. Your new Queen sits at my side to help me do this and she has shown her full potential as a monarch. This is why I do not hesitate to leave this great city and our race into her capable hands while I leave the lands for a while.


Check back for updates on King Stirling’s adventures!

In hopes to keep the light and luck shining down on us, I will be sailing to Aradia to negotiate a more beneficial trade agreement with the Kokarri, once allies to us. I seek to alleviate the painful sanctions that have crippled our economy and restore commerce between our islands once more.

My ship departs tonight and I am bringing along many trusted seamen to accompany me on my journey. I will write of my travels and keep you all informed of the happenings outside the realm. I do wish you all good health and best wishes while I am away.

Sincerely Yours,

King Declan Niall Stirling

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